
Hands on Safety is a health and safety consulting business in Taupo, and servicing the Waikato and Bay of Plenty regions. 

We provide best practice solutions and systems supporting businesses get to grips with health and safety, whilst keeping the end user in mind, be it the worker at the coal face or the manager in the field.

Often business owners and managers can become confused and overwhelmed by all the H&S jargon and compliance requirements – we believe that H&S shouldn’t be any more complicated than needed, so we take a pragmatic approach which is suitable for your business, operation, industry and risk profile.

We are pragmatic, honest, and reliable and can offer you and your business one-off assistance or on-going advice, guidance and hands-on management.

We will also provide training and support to help you implement the solutions developed.

Our Values:

  • Pragmatism: we believe in keeping solutions as practical and simple as possible, taking into consideration the business we are working with and their risk profile.
  • People: we work in the profession of health and safety because we believe the safety and wellbeing of people is important. The success or failure of a businesses’ health and safety depends on people – so we consider the people in all aspects of our work.
  • Integrity: we do what we say we will, communicate often and operate with a high level of ethics.
  • Collaboration and empowerment: we collaborate with our clients, actively providing them with solutions and tools to empower the business to manage its health and safety effectively.


Pia Carpenter, Director

Pia’s first exposure to health and safety came about after she was troubled by the frequent injuries being experienced by workers at a manufacturing plant she was working for. She felt it was unacceptable that people should be harmed at work due to a lack of consideration for the safety and wellbeing of staff – and as the success of a business relies on its people, businesses should ensure staff are not harmed during the course of their work.

She went on to develop a career in health and safety, steadily working her way from junior to senior roles across multiple industries, within both the private and public sector, interacting with all levels of organisations. She undertakes continued professional development and is a Graduate Member of the New Zealand Institute of Safety Management (NZISM). Pia has supported her 17 years of OHS experience by completing qualifications every few years including a Diploma in OHS Management. Pia is proud to support the aim of raising professional standards across the sector to provide healthier and safer workplaces for New Zealanders by being assessed as competent and achieving registration with the HASANZ.

Through her career to date Pia has enjoyed engaging with organisations, collaborating with all stakeholders, empowering workers, and managers alike to manage health and safety. She values developing good relationships with those she works with and understands all the key needs of a business when it comes to satisfying New Zealand H&S legislation and best practice. She understands the need for pragmatic solutions suitable for the business and its workers.

Pia’s specialty is in the development, implementation and audit of systems and procedures; but her passion is coaching businesses on how to utilise the power of culture and human factors to support safe work practices.